2018 Best Vapor-Producer RTA - Vandy Vape's Kylin Mini RTA

I have to share with you a very strong Vape Atomizer. This is an RTA from Vandy Vape. Yes, it is the Kylin Mini. Why didn't I choose Kylin RTA this time? Let me tell you why

On this device, the Kylin Mini can only support a single coil building. The Kylin RTA allows us to install two coils at the same time. Of course, Kylin RTA will have more e-juice storage.

But what's important is that the wide diameter of the Kylin RTA makes it difficult to carry, and the Vape Mod is equipped with a larger Atomizer diameter. Compared to Kylin RTA, Kylin Mini RTA has more flexibility.

For vapor chaser, vapor production is the most important. Here you will be free to build the coil you want until you are most satisfied with the effect. Wide diameter drip tip and unique shape, I think you will love it
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